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Copy of letter to 'My Dear James' (Carrighan's brother?) from Milan

Gives an account of robbers attacking English travelers. Notes the lack of action by the government to counter this problem and contends that they are wary of using the peasantry for fear of an uprising. Believes the people of Lombardy want their freedom and deserve it and if a leader came forward then it would be possible. Describes Milan and notes the many museums and galleries. Also is impressed by the canal system and the abundant agricultural produce grown in the region. Believes the locals to be the most industrious he has seen, apart from those of the Low Countries. Describes the making of Parmesan cheese, the production of salt petre and the process of making snuff and cigars. Has visited the mint and has seen 'so many churches, palaces and convents as to be already almost surfeited'.

Carrighan, Arthur Judd (1781-1845) traveller

Copy of letter to 'My Dear Doctor' from Florence

Wanted to describe the anatomical collections he has seen but does not have the space so will describe the best regulated and most important hospital he has seen, that of Milan. Describes the magnificence of the building and states that every need is catered for. Notes the vast quantities of lemonade consumed by the patients and contends that this gives Italian hospitals an advantage over English ones. Is impressed by the administration and notes the number of patients which can be handled. Is impressed by the number of lectures given. Believes that the Catholic religion inculcates a sense of caring for the sick and describes how the medical system works in practice throughout Italy. Also discusses the role of medical men with regard to capitol punishment. Has been impressed with Italy and discusses the merits of various regions. Discusses the education of the peasantry and the relative agricultural knowledge shown in each region. Gives a favourable account of the countenance of Italians in general. Gives news of other travelers and discusses the works of art available, their cost and the practicalities of sending them to England.

Carrighan, Arthur Judd (1781-1845) traveller

Copy of letter to Haviland from Lecce

Discusses his friend General Church and his programme to rid the area of 'Decisi', a society of bandits. Gives an account of the problem of rule in the country due to the numbers of bandits and the lack of power afforded to the General. Gives a brief history of the Decisi and also relates an account of an attack on a troop of soldiers by locals of the village of Ururi. Describes a visit to Pompei. Gives news of acquaintances met in Italy and the financial arrangements for his travels.

Carrighan, Arthur Judd (1781-1845) traveller


Gives account of travels in Italy. Includes descriptions of town and countryside, local agriculture and places of interest visited. Also outlines measures taken to rid the area of bandits and his experiences involving the same.

Carrighan, Arthur Judd (1781-1845) traveller

Autograph letter, signed, to Lieutenant Colonel John Carrighan (AJC's brother) from Rome

Gives a description of journey from Paris to Rome, including crossing Mount Cenis in deep snow. Contends that his health has never been better. Has been pleased to meet up with old friends in Italy. Believes that Italy is becoming dearer, and made sure to arrive in Rome before Holy Week in order to find reasonable lodgings. Has been to a number of social occasions, including a concert by Romberg.

Carrighan, Arthur Judd (1781-1845) traveller

Autograph letter, signed, to Dr Haviland from Rome

Is pleased to hear news of St Johns [probably concerning the lifting of restrictions imposed on the awarding of foundress's fellowships] and he and Wilson celebrated 'after the good old English Fashion'. Notes the existence of a number of Spanish refugees who were celebrating also. Other Johnians in Rome were too ill to attend the celebration. Discusses meeting the Manningham party and the forming of a committee to procure a sculpture. Discusses his finances; is running out of money and wishes that he could get credit at Coutt's. Is in the process of buying prints for friends and having a carving made. Is amused by the counterfeiting of cheques by the Governor of the City. Gives a description of his journey across Mount Cenis, the high cost of living in Italy and the problems of finding accommodation during Holy Week in Rome. Relates the story of a dredging swindle on the River Tiber.

Carrighan, Arthur Judd (1781-1845) traveller

Autograph letter, signed, to George Delmar from Florence

Is disappointed not have received news from home. Is complimentary about his traveling companion. Travels are proceeding smoothly, if not involving much education. Describes part of the Feast of Corpus Domini, the procession called by Painters 'il Gruppo del Papa'.

Carrighan, Arthur Judd (1781-1845) traveller

Copy letter to Professor Haviland from Munich

Has traveled down the River Po in a steam boat, became seasick in Venice and has caught a bad cold in Germany due to the bad weather. Describes the Royal family of Bavaria in glowing terms, a view shared by the Bavarians themselves, he contends. Gives descriptions of Prince Eugene, Guardian viceroy of Italy who is married to one of the King of Bavaria's daughters, and of the King himself. Believes that outside of the Court circle there is very little society, proved by the lack of dinner invitations received. Describes the new Art Gallery and suggests that the architect of the Fitzwilliam Museum, 'whenever it shall be built', should pay a visit. Is also complimentary of the Observatory and astronomical equipment. Has been told that the astronomical equipment being produced in Germany is of higher quality than that of England, and that Italian and German research is over taking that of the English due to this fact and also mentions other engineering innovations. Discusses the German nature as opposed to that of the English, especially regarding jealousy. Also notes the hatred prevalent on the Continent due to the 'horrible business.' [Refers to the attempt by King George IV in 1820 to gain a divorce from his wife, Caroline of Brunswick, thus excluding her from the title of Queen] Mentions a number of other sights in Munich including a description of the workings of the House of Correction and the English Garden.

Carrighan, Arthur Judd (1781-1845) traveller

Autograph letter, signed, in French, from Frederic Maurice, Geneva

Gives thanks for the books AJC has recently sent. Gives a detailed description of the journey through Italy he has undertaken over the last year. Includes references to their mutual acquaintance Marquis Capponi, the Duchess of Devonshire and the British Ambassador in Rome, Prince Laval. Gives news of his family.

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